Licenses of Open-Source Libraries ================================= PVX uses open-source components under the following licenses: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 licenses/gpl.rst licenses/lgpl.rst licenses/mit.rst licenses/bsd.rst licenses/apache.rst licenses/mozilla.rst Operating system: ----------------- PVX uses the Debian operating system ( PVX does not use the 'non-free' repository provided by Debian, except for a few firmware packages. According to Debian Social Contract v1.1 (April 26, 2004): the license of a Debian component may not restrict any party from selling or giving away the software as a component of an aggregate software distribution containing programs from several different sources. The license may not require a royalty or other fee for such sale. Debian comes with licensed software. License information can be found on Debian website ( License inventory for the sniffer --------------------------------- * glibc : GNU Lesser General Public License * libjansson : The MIT License * libnuma : GNU Lesser General Public License * libpcap library : BSD style license (3-clause BSD) * libsqlite : Public Domain * libtcmalloc : BSD style license (3-clause BSD) * libuuid : libuuid License * openssl library : BSD style license + SSLeay license * p0f.fp file : GNU Lesser General Public License * zlib : BSD style license (3-clause BSD) * libpcre : BSD style license (3-clause BSD) * libwebsocket : LGPLv2 + static link exception License inventory for the Javascript GUI ---------------------------------------- * jquery : The MIT License * jquery.mb.browser : The MIT License or GNU General Public License * : The MIT License * jquery.ui : The MIT License * jquery.ui.statusbar : The MIT License * mColorPicker : The MIT License License inventory for GUI and database management ------------------------------------------------- * jsonrpclib : Apache * Salt : Apache * lxml : BSD / GPL / PSF / CWI * enum : Choice of GPL or Python license * dnspython : ISC * paramiko : LGPL * setuptools : PSF * FormEncode : PSF * pycrypto : Public domain * docutils : public domain, Python, 2-Clause BSD, GPL 3 (see COPYING.txt) * Python : Python Software Foundation licence * pychartdir : SecurActive license * Pillow : Standard PIL License Components under the 'Repoze' license ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Chameleon * pyramid * pyramid_mako * pyramid_tm * repoze.lru * repoze.profile * repoze.who * superlance * supervisor * translationstring * venusian Components licensed the 'BSD' license ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fanstatic * Jinja2 * MarkupSafe * Pygments * Sphinx * collective.recipe.template * configobj * fanstatic * js.amcharts * js.jquery * js.jquery_timepicker_addon * js.jqueryui * mechanize * mock * netaddr * pyprof2calltree * pyramid_debugtoolbar * reportlab * sqlparse Components licensed the 'MIT' license ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Mailer * Mako * MiniMock * Paste * PasteDeploy * SQLAlchemy * Tempita * WebOb * WebTest * beautifulsoup4 * cmdln * ecdsa * pyparsing * pytz * six * wsgi_intercept